Dentist Office
Our job is to ensure the health of your mouth, your teeth and your gums, but also prevent dental problems (especially the most common: caries, gingivitis, and periodontal problems). To carry out our work, the dental staff of the Biomedic Group clinic has several methods and techniques, in addition to the treatments.
What is prophylaxis or dental cleaning?
Dental prophylaxis or cleaning consists in the removal of bacterial plaques and stones from the tartar formed around the teeth, this treatment can be carried out as appropriate, with manual instruments, with ultrasound or other electromechanical instruments.
It is very important to maintain regular controls to control a HEALTHY AND HEALTHY mouth and a HEALTHY SMILE, visiting your dentist every 6 months and performing the brushing technique correctly with a good toothbrush (soft and small head).
Toothpastes are also of good help because they allow us to maintain good fresh breath and a healthy tooth color. Proper cleaning allows us to achieve a natural whitening of the teeth, because the mere presence of the bacterial plaque and tartar makes the teeth look more yellowish. since they are pigmented with food, drinks and especially with tobacco.